I’m excited to announce that Cheyenne Harris is the first person to be recognized in the RinkRat 19 Camper Feature! Each month, one past RinkRat 19 camper will be highlighted.
Chey first pulled on the RinkRat 19 jersey a few summers ago. She’s an amazing skater just bursting with talent and enthusiasm. Our powerskating drills are unique, difficult, and point out skaters’ strengths and weaknesses. When I ramped up drill intensity the second day of camp, I was amazed with Chey’s execution. After asking if she’d done them before, Chey smiled and replied “I’ve never seen anyone do these crazy drills before.” In addition to her phenomenal hockey skills, a slew of adjectives can be used to describe her character: determined, encouraging, passionate, joyful, outgoing. So thanks for reading and I’ll let Chey take it from here…
Name: Cheyenne Harris
Jersey #: 11
Stick: Bauer APX-p14
Position: Center
Favorite NHL Player: Patrick Kane
Favorite NHL Team: Pittsburgh penguins
Favorite athlete: Kyle Rau (: So Hot! and Gigi Marvin of course.
Favorite camp memory- I have a lot of favorite memories. My favorite thing to do on the ice is summer salt relay-races (: I think the first time I went to the camp was one of my favorite memory because I was so excited to go and skate with Gigi Marvin, and I was also a little scared that it was going to be a super super hard camp, but it wasn’t at all! It is hard work and conditioning mixed in with a lot of fun. The first time we did dizzy cones was a sight to see. Or the first time we did backwards jumps. (: I honestly can’t pick out one favorite memory, but one that has impacted my life to this day is when my dad and I met Gigi. We both have become so close to her and I am grateful as she has helped me so much throughout the years. She has had a big impact on me and the way I learn and play the game. Motivating me and showing me the determination it takes to get better and better every year. Gigi has so much experience and she is always willing to share with players like me. She tries so hard to make hockey a better and closer community and she does a great job! I am lucky to have had the opportunity to meet her, skate with her, and become great friends.
As far as how this season is going, I would say we are doing well. We are ranked 8th in the state and are coming close to the district tournament, then regions and hopefully, if we make it through, on to state. Our team is finally starting to play together and work for each other. We won the cake eater tournament this year which is the first time a Centennial girls team has ever done that, I am very proud of our team for that one.
Cheyenne Harris
Centennial 14U A
Go Cougars!!!
Way to go Chey!! You are a great friend and look forward to making more memories with you at the camp!!